Growing Faith in God with Mustard Seed Faith

Published on 19 March 2024 at 16:07

Looking to grow your faith in God? Are you trying to figure out why your mustard seed faith isn’t producing what you think it should? Well, Lord willing, this blog will help you understand what mustard seed faith is and guide you in using the information to help grow your faith in God. Spoiler Alert: Mustard seed faith isn’t necessarily about focusing on maintaining the same amount of faith as the size of the mustard seed. In August 2022, I received an interpretation of this parable that continues today to encourage me in my faith walk. We can all use some encouragement in our faith, no matter our age, whether we’re a well-seasoned Christian or a babe in Christ. Our walk with God is continuous. We’re not done until we’re done. I pray that this blog does the same for you as it continues to do for me! And then some!

Why should you want to grow your faith in God?

Here are three reasons why I choose to continuously grow my faith in God and why you should too.

Now, let's break down these reasons a little bit more!

1) To get away from wishy-washy faith! It’s literally impossible to come to God with anything if you don’t have faith.


I know that there are some of us who don’t want to believe that our faith is wishy-washy. I get it! It’s a hard pill to swallow, but it’s needed to help us grow.


There was a point in my life when I truly believed I had faith in God. It wasn’t until I wholeheartedly began to seek the Lord for myself that I realized that the faith that I displayed in the past wasn’t real faith at all! I was so wishy-washy with the one who cares about me the most.


If you find yourself with this same realization, it's ok! Here's a tip: Drink a nice big cup of water to get that pill down—

by that, I mean get with Jesus.


He said, Come to him and drink if you’re thirsty (John 7:37). Only the Lord can help us with the dealings of the heart, so instead of being offended or ashamed, we should accept the correction and repent. If God is correcting you, he loves you and sees you as his child (Hebrews 12:5–11)! 


The KJV of Hebrews 11:6 tells us, “But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.” 


According to this scripture, not only do you HAVE TO believe that God is God, but you also HAVE TO have faith. 


Because doubting is not having faith, worrying is not having faith, panicking is not having faith, etc. I understand that we are all human, but caving in to those emotions after we’ve already taken that thing to the Lord is not having faith in Him and what He can do. That’s making the problem bigger than God. He deserves more!


Some are yearning, believing, and waiting for these miraculous things to happen in their lives, but question God after every turn, as soon as they stub their toe on the corner of that table.


Wishy-washy faith yields no fruit and stunts our growth in Christ. 


Then the scripture goes on to say that He is a rewarder of them that DILIGENTLY seek Him. That means that he rewards those who put in that energetic effort to continuously, consistently, and earnestly seek and search for Him for themselves!


As long as the heart posture is right, searching for God can be done in many ways, which include prayer, reading and studying the word, praise and worship, focusing thoughts on Him in quiet time, and however else it is that you uniquely seek Him out!

 2) To mature in Christ. 


We all start somewhere! All of us, at one point or another, have been considered babes in Christ. Did you know that it's possible for a seasoned Christian to be a babe in Christ?


The KJV of Hebrews 5:12–14 says that “For when for the time ye ought to be teachers, ye have need that one teach you again which be the first principles of the oracles of God; and are become such as have need of milk, and not of strong meat. 13 For every one that useth milk is unskilful in the word of righteousness: for he is a babe. 14 But strong meat belongeth to them that are full age, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.”


We've been Christians for so long that we should be teachers by now. 


I don't mean that everyone should literally be a teacher, but rather that after receiving Christ Jesus as Lord, we should be walking in Him, firmly rooted, built up, and established in our faith (Colossians 2:6-7).


Instead, we remain unrooted, attempt to build our faith with no foundation only for it to crumble, and constantly need reminders of the basics. We should be relying on God, standing firm in His word, and applying what He has taught us.


We ought to be ready for spiritual "meat and potatoes," yet we still need "baby food."


As we mature in our faith through the power of the Holy Spirit, we should become so grounded in God that we can discern between righteousness and wickedness and between those who truly serve God and those who do not.


The lack of discernment is why a person in a congregation could sit under the guidance of a wolf disguised as a sheep and not know it. We shouldn't leave our spiritual well-being in the hands of people who wrap their sermons and songs in Jesus wrapping paper and serve an entirely different god in private.


Also, it's the reason why a person could be best friends with someone who never really considered them to be a friend at all and actually has ill intentions for them in their heart.


We have to stay in the Lord; only He can reveal the hidden things.


Allow yourself to mature in God; ask Him to help you get out of your own way so that you can grow in Him.


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3) So that your spiritual armor can continue armoring!


If you've read Ephesians 6:10–18, then you know that we don’t wrestle against flesh and blood. Therefore, our fight is not with the person who's standing in front of us. Our fight is against the unseen things, like the principalities, powers, and rulers of the darkness of this world and the spiritual wickedness in high places. To be able to stand against those things, we are able to equip ourselves with the whole armor of God


In order for that armor to continue to function at maximum capacity, we have to truly come to understand the revelation of every piece of armor that God has equipped us with.


Growing our faith in God can only help us, not harm us. 

What is a mustard seed?

There are a variety of mustard seed plants, but the mustard seed itself is a tiny, round seed that is 1-2 millimeters in diameter. The colors of the mustard seed vary from a yellowish white to black.


If it’s not about the size of the mustard seed, then what is the significance of the mustard seed?


Like most people, when it came to this parable, I thought, ‘Well, it’s a seed, a mustard seed at that, and it’s tiny, so I KNOW that I have at least that much faith.’


While it is a really tiny seed, I learned some other characteristics about this plant in my research that caught my attention.


Mustard seeds thrive in hot and sandy conditions. They love the sun and well-drained soil, even though it is possible for them to grow in cool and shaded areas. After the seed germinates, its roots seek out its water source and grow extremely deep roots in the ground to search for that supply. In addition to growing downward, these grow upward anywhere from 6 ft to 30 ft tall, with leaves and branches that span the entire length of it!




Therefore, in the right conditions, these can grow very large!

For me, that new information brought even more context and gave an even clearer visual for Mark 4:30–32 KJV. It states, “And he said, Whereunto shall we liken the kingdom of God? or with what comparison shall we compare it? It is like a grain of mustard seed, which, when it is sown in the earth, is less than all the seeds that be in the earth: but when it is sown, it groweth up, and becometh greater than all herbs, and shooteth out great branches; so that the fowls of the air may lodge under the shadow of it.” 


I'm turnt up at this point! That’s exciting to think about! (Yes, I said turnt!)

How do I grow my faith in God with mustard seed faith?


When something happens that a person considers to be "bad," the normal reaction for most people is to immediately doubt, worry, get anxious, and think about the worst possible outcome, allowing themselves to be tossed to and fro by every little thing.


But when we begin to think about and remember the different things that people witnessed and went through in the Bible, from the Old Testament to the New Testament, Some of these people were in dire situations. We saw their trials and circumstances, but we also saw their endurance, steadfastness, and willingness to choose to have faith and to choose to TRUST in God in the midst of it all.


Thinking about those people and what they experienced, I asked myself, ‘How can I get that kind of faith? Is it something that I’m not understanding?’ Those questions are what led me to research, study, and ask the Lord for understanding concerning the mustard seed.


I don't know about you, but I'm reminded of the desert when I think about the conditions in which the mustard seed thrives. I think about how uncomfortable it can be in a place that's hot and sandy. The desert seems like harsh conditions to grow in instead of the ideal one. (No offense to anyone who lives in desert-type areas!)


The conditions that the mustard seed plants thrive in are similar to some of our experiences from our walk with the LORD. Our harsh conditions are the different types of spiritual warfare, circumstances, problems, and obstacles that are unique to us and seem unbearable and exhausting at the time.


Those ‘harsh conditions’ are the right conditions for us to grow in our faith. When we push through to connect to our source of life so that, through the power of the Holy Ghost, we can recall the word of God, i.e., where it states that the LORD will never ever give us more than we can handle and always gives us a way out (1 Corinthians 10:13), we are able to stand firm in him, trust in him, and build our faith in him. Our faith can then transform from this finicky thing that was dependent on our emotions or circumstances to something more solid.


We grow deeper roots in our walk with God when we act like the mustard seed plant and search for our living water, no matter what. When we take action and do that, we allow ourselves to stand steadfast on the foundation that was built for us through Jesus Christ!


When we stay strong in the truth and focus on our Father, we blossom exactly like the mustard seed plant, but just like the mustard seed plant, we can only grow in proportion to how much water we seek. 


Every now and then, we have to give ourselves a heart check. We need to ask ourselves, ‘Are we seeking the LORD wholeheartedly? Are we seeking his face like our souls depend on it?’


Because it does.


Instead of focusing on maintaining the same amount of faith as the mustard seed's size in our faith journey, let’s come to the understanding that even though many of us start off as that tiny mustard seed with only a little, we don’t remain there; we grow continuously, firmly, and steadily in Him. As that faith solidifies and grows further in Him, there will be nothing impossible for us.


For some of our assignments here on this earth, it’s going to require more of you, more yielding to the Holy Spirit, and unshakeable faith!


Not that we should be neglectful in our duties (as a father, mother, wife, husband, child, businessman, employee, student, farmer, etc.), but that we should be making an effort to seek Him however we can.


Whether we like to admit it or not, there are times that we do lean on our own understanding (and sometimes other people's understanding) by default instead of leaning on God and flowing with Him.


We must put in the effort to collaborate and work with God in order for us to grow deeper in our faith. Be confident in knowing that “all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” (Romans 8:28


So, if we want to thrive, to continue to move forward, and to do what we were created to do, we must remain focused on the One who created us and hold fast to the things that we know,

that we know,

that we know,

that we know.


Which is that the word of God is God, the word is TRUTH (meaning it cannot be changed), the word NEVER returns void, and that the Lord watches over His word to perform!!!


But you don't have to take my word for it. I encourage you to study the word for yourself. Ask the Lord for wisdom and understanding for whatever it is you’re wanting to know. Let us inquire, seek, search, and knock!


He has all the answers anyway.


When we rely on that firm foundation in Christ and allow those roots to grow deeper and deeper as we continuously seek, He draws close to us when we draw close to Him!


We have to become that strong tree that remains standing after the storm is over.


I know that it sounds easier than it may seem, but in the middle of whatever it is for you, just choose to trust Him, choose to have faith in Him, and choose to love Him.


Let’s not just be hearers of the word but doers as well. Let's be engaged followers of Christ who collaborate with God in everything that we do.


Let us no longer sit around making empty statements. Let’s put forth that extra effort.


I’m going to end this here before I keep repeating myself over and over again. lol


I hope that this has encouraged or inspired you in some way in your relationship with God. God Bless!


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The Wrap Up/ Tips

Believe that He is God.

Believe God. 

Don’t let emotions and circumstances outweigh your trust in Him.

Make the time.

Diligently seek Him for yourself.

Get out of your own way. 

Yield to God. 

Choose Him.

Stand on it.

Matthew 17:20 KJV “And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.”


Scriptures mentioned:

John 7:37

Hebrews 12:5-11

Hebrews 11:6

Hebrews 5:12-14

Colossians 2:6-7

Ephesians 6:10-18

Mark 4:30-32 KJV

Matthew 17:20

1 Corinthians 10:13

Romans 8:28