
Our goal here at Mindful of Him is to encourage people to build their personal relationships with God, motivate people in their Christian journey, provide tips on how to make the most of the time despite busy schedules, help people with their personal development in the Lord, and encourage people to wholeheartedly seek God.


A big part of completing these goals is going to require you. Yes, YOU!


You are going to have to put forth the effort and truly be intentional.


No, our actions do not save us, and neither do our intentions!


Let's face it: in the end, we're not going to be able to blame anyone else for what we didn't make the time to do.


We are going to be held accountable for the things that we chose to say YES to and NO to.


Yes, the Lord knows our hearts, but He also sees the things we choose to prioritize over Him every day.


Faith without works is dead!


Let’s get to work!


After we confess that Jesus is our Lord and Savior, it’s not over; there’s still more to do. Once we take off the old man and put on the new, we have to walk this faith thing out until the very end.


We work hard for ourselves, other people, accolades, and other things that we can’t take with us. Let us also work hard in our relationship with God!


Now is the time more than ever to prepare ourselves like the five wise virgins and get those oil reserves together for our lamps! Jesus is coming soon!


We know from the word that God is mindful of us, so let’s put forth that extra effort to be mindful of God in everything that we do.

Check out some blogs while you're here! Lord willing, there's something here to help, inspire, or encourage you in your journey with God.


These blogs are simply a reflection of what I’ve learned on my journey with God—insights that have been helpful to me. My hope is that they encourage and inspire you as well.

This blog is excellent if you're looking to deepen your faith in God or if you just want some inspiration or motivation along your faith journey!

This blog goes into detail about the full armor of God and how we use each piece to fight back in this spiritual battle that ultimately helps us in our daily lives!

Want to know more about us?

Mindful of Him is a Christian blog. This name was chosen for the blog because God opened my eyes to see that the world is truly all about self-centeredness, self-motivation, self, self, self, self, self... This world incites individuals to disregard biblical teachings in pursuit of temporary happiness.


We want to take the term 'mindful' back from the new age wave of spirituality.


Psalm 8:4 says, "What is man that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him?" In so many ways, the Lord demonstrates His mindfulness of us in His word and in our daily lives, if we sit still enough to perceive it.


The word mindful has a few different meanings. In the Concordance, the Hebrew word for mindful refers to the act of remembering, recalling, bringing to mind, causing recollection, recounting, and contemplating.


Lord willing, we would like to encourage, inspire, and even provide tips to help others take the time to remember God, to recall what He has done and is still doing in our lives, to think of God at the beginning and ending of each day, in the middle of everyday tasks. Lord willing, by the power of the Holy Ghost, we want to be that spark that encourages people to genuinely take the time to meet with God whenever and wherever they are. 


The world provides a wealth of unfavorable guidance on achieving specific goals without the presence of God, but even after achieving these goals, individuals still find themselves lacking something essential.


The only way to truly achieve lasting and actual personal development and growth is to partner with God. The Lord also guides us in self-care!


Chrystal Rucker sings an ad lib in the song "One God" from a John P. Kee album, where she says, "The true meaning of elevation is seeking and finding your help."


This quote has become one of my favorites. For me personally, while seeking God, all of those things were not my intention but most definitely came as a result of genuinely seeking God for myself and finding Him.


The only way to be made whole, to feel loved and be loved, to be as happy on the inside as we try to appear on the outside, and to be the us we were always meant to be through Christ Jesus is to get to know Him personally.


Let us all be more mindful of God.


He chose us, and He is waiting for us to really choose Him.


Faith without works is dead, so by the power of the Holy Spirit, let's grow in God!





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